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Field Team 2016 - Hunter Holley (Field Assistant)

Greetings everyone, my name is Hunter Holley and I'm a student at Texas A&M University. I've completed a degree in German and am working to finish my biology degree this coming semester. My passion for the life sciences has pushed me to delve deeper into my studies. Upon taking my first ecology course in university, I realized that ecology is what fueled my fire. Shaping my plans for after graduation, I was coincidentally given an awesome opportunity to work under Dr. Joseph Bernardo as a student research assistant; analyzing the effects of climate change on multiple sea turtle species. It was here, that I understood the significance of field research and was eager to be apart of it. Nearing the end of the semester I was informed of Chris (Dr. Bernardo's graduate student) and her research and the rest is history!

My stay in Costa Rica has been nothing but exceptional. Working first with the turtles and realizing the importance the data we collect will have is amazing. After graduation I hope to continue my studies and pursue a Masters in ecology. I'm excited to see where life will take me.

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