Field Team 2017 - Cody Glasbrenner
Hi turtle lovers, my name is Cody Glasbrenner. It all started in 2008 for me when I took a chance and quit my job in GIS mapping to...

Flashback - Sampling Trip South Pacific, Illnesses & August Arribada
I have been very quiet for the past weeks. It was a busy time with little internet and electricity at times. Additionally, we have been...

No Waiting Game for Once – July Arribada Started Early
On Friday we picked up Cody Glasbrenner the missing person in our quintet for the first part of the season. Cody is already a veteran in...

Installing Radio Transmitters and the First Marks of Field Work
We started to install VHF radio transmitters onto females off the coast of Ostional that have just been done with mating for the season...

Arrival in Ostional and Training Day
Our season is officially on. On Friday we picked up our two field assistants Stephanie and Hunter from the San Jose Airport. Poor Hunter...

Kicking off Field Season 2017
A big HELLO to everyone that is following our blog! We (Brie and I) are back in Costa Rica and about to start our second field season...

“Knock Three Times on the Ceiling If You Want to Dance….” (Season Final)
“….or twice on the pipe, if the answer is noooooo!” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsSaSyg7mjM) These and similar tunes (besides Harry...

Rainy, Rainy Days, BUT the First Satellite Transmitter is Installed
We had some very rainy days these past weeks we were left in not doubt that La Niña has arrived as predicted. The August arribada was...

Another Video of an Entangled Turtle
Only a few weeks after a female was found by our research team entangled in fishing-line (https://youtu.be/lVPSTkYihCY), we found another...

Field Team 2016 - Hunter Holley (Field Assistant)
Greetings everyone, my name is Hunter Holley and I'm a student at Texas A&M University. I've completed a degree in German and am working...